VIO is a Windows Mobile Application based on motion detection - Detect any motion - Automatically save pictures - Send emails with pictures included - Send sms alert - Set detection sensibility - Edges detection - Dead zones - New menu - Play sound on motion detected (website section 'VIO' will be updated later as well as the pics/animations examples. be aware that non-touchable screens will not work with VIO for now) How does it work ? VIO uses the phone's camera to capture and detect any motion. The comparaison is done by analysing pictures square by square. The size of the squares can be defined from VIO, it will allow you to adapt the sensivity as you wish. When motion is detected VIO will : - send mails containing pictures to the email adress you defined. - send sms to alert you anywhere Menu EMAIL To send mails you need an email account configured in Windows Mobile first. Mails will be created in your "Send" folder, so it will be sent on next "Synchronize". You can define mail's subject and how many pictures you want to be attached. Note that you have two ways to automatically synchronize : - set "Send/Receive scheduled" in Windows Mobile Messaging options for you email account - set "Force synchronize" in "VIO\General" section. Menu SMS You can define one or two phone numbers, the sms's body and how many time between sms (to not consume your money each time a motion is detected). Phone number must use complete format like +32xxxxxxxxxxxx Menu DETECTION You can define square width, alert threshold and if you want to view squares in live mode. Alert threshold trigger an alert when the number of squares defined is otained. By using square width and alert threshlod you can define the sensivity for motion detection. More options will come later. Menu GENERAL You can define if you want to save pictures when motion is detected, where on your device and if you want any rotation or not. Plus you can set "Force synchronise" and set resolution. Requirements: WM5-6.5, .NET CF 3.5, all resolutions Download Instructions: no serial needed VIO Motion Detection v.2.0.1 Download file from megaupload Available for users only The previous versions