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StyleTap® Platform allows you to run applications (and games) originally written for Palm OS handhelds.
Emulators |
Views: 4773 |
Downloads: 0 |
Added by: Dasai |
Date: 29.07.2010
SPB Time is an advanced, skinnable time toolbox for your Windows Mobile phone. Analog and digital clock modes, World clock, timers and stopwatches, and advanced alarms. A lot of time-related functions in this world's bestselling application! |
Finally a completely new Filmcalculator for Windows Mobile version. |
winmoFinance is an all in one finance app that designed for professional or personal use. It enables Windows Mobile Device owners to keep track of their Expenses and Revenues. With a very finger friendly, eye catching, and unique animation designs, it makes the process of tracking your money even more exciting and fun. The app will display the the currency symbol based on your mobile device regional setting. |
Meet OddBlob: the groovy clay dude who loves to bounce! Help OddBlob bound across the squishy maze to grab bonuses, chomp fruit, and win points as quickly as he can as the chasing tiles disappear behind. Watch out for bounce and double bounce tiles that can help you reach your goal or throw you through the gaps to impending peril below! Cake slices earn you a try at the cake or doom mini-puzzle, the more bounces you make to get the cake, the bigger the bonus! |
Personal daily newspaper for your Windows Mobile device. |
One of the best backup program. |
Elecont Launcher provides fast and easy way to start your favourite applications, URLs, documents or control panel items directly from Home/Today screen. Elecont Launcher optimized for usage by touch and gestures |
Safe, secure and convenient storage for all important and business critical information. Secures data on your Windows Mobile phone and its external media cards. Prevents information leaks and ensures no data will get into wrong hands.
Security |
Views: 1569 |
Downloads: 0 |
Added by: Dasai |
Date: 04.07.2010
This award-winning virtual keyboard supports two modes of input: half-screen and full-screen. Both modes are optimized for finger input. The full-screen mode has large keys thus making typing of long texts easier.
Input |
Views: 5656 |
Downloads: 0 |
Added by: Dasai |
Date: 02.07.2010